What is the features of democracy?
1. Popular Sovereignty:
The principle of popular sovereignty, which means the people are the source of all power, is the very essence of a democracy. The government gets all its power from their people. It exercises it so long as the people desire. People can change the government through elections. Government always tries to demonstrate its respect for the principle of sovereignty of the people.
2. Principle of Equality:
The principle of equality is the foremost principle of democracy. In it all the people, without any discrimination, are treated as equal. In fact respect for social and political equality of all the people is the cornerstone of democracy. All the people enjoy equal political rights, equality before law and equality of opportunity without any discrimination.
3. Equality of Opportunities:
Equality of opportunities is also a fundamental feature of democracy. It, however, does not stand for equal opportunities for all irrespective of their qualifications and abilities. It simply means that each individual should have a free and fair chance to compete and be selected on the basis of his/her qualifications and abilities. Each person enjoys the opportunity to progress and develop in society and contribute his/her efforts towards the betterment of society.
4. Equal Opportunity for Participation in Polities:
Democracy is a government of the people and one of its principal features is that it ensures free and equal political participation for all. For this purpose uniform equal franchise i.e., Universal Adult Franchise is granted to the people. The value of vote of each individual is equal to the value of vote of everyone else. Anyone can compete in the political struggle and after successfully competing in elections, can hold a public office.
5. Civil and Political Equality:In a democracy, equal political rights are granted to all the citizens. Society is free from discrimination. Civil and. Political equality is regarded as both a natural and essential right for all. The people enjoy equal rights, freedoms as well as opportunities for exercising these rights.
6. Regular, Free and Fair Elections:
In a democratic system people are to Elect their government. This requirement makes the holding of regular, free and fair elections an essential feature. Election is the process by which a decision is made as to who are to be the representatives of the people for the next 4 or 5 years. Every democratic state provides for an independent and efficient machinery for holding free and fair elections.
7. Rule of Law:
In a democratic system, the rule of law and not the rule of rulers is the rule. Everyone is under law. The government is organised and operationalised under the fundamental law of the land (the Constitution). All citizens are equal before law. The law is supreme. “Equal subjection of all to the same laws” is a fundamental principle of democracy.
8. Fundamental Rights and Freedom:
In a Democracy the people enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms including the right to secure the protection of their rights by the courts. An independent and powerful judicial system is provided for protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people.
9. Independent, Impartial and Powerful Judiciary:
In a democracy, judiciary is always regarded as the guardian, interpreter and protector of the constitution and fundamental rights of the people. In order to enable it to perform its role objectively and freely, it is kept independent from the control of the legislature and executive. Judiciary is even empowered to reject the laws and acts of the legislature and executive which are held to be unconstitutional.
10. Transparent, Responsive and Responsible Government:.
11. Rule of Majority:
12. Right to Freedom:
The five main characteristics of democracy are as under:
(i) Elected representative:
In democracy representatives elected by the people make laws and frame policies of the government.
(ii) Elections are held to elect the representatives:
All adult citizens have the right to participate (vote) in .the elections. Elections should be free and fair and must be held at regular intervals. Citizens who have reached a certain age (in India, it is 25 years for election to Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies) are allowed to contest elections.
(iii) Civil liberties:
An important characteristic of democracy is that it grants top civil liberties to the citizens. They enjoy freedoms of speech, expression, and information. Citizens have a right to form, join or quit an association. It includes the right to form political party.
(iv) Rule of law:
Another characteristic of democracy is that it ensures rule of law. Law is supreme and all the citizens are equal in the eyes of law. No one is above law.
(v) Independent judiciary:
Independence of Judiciary is an essential characteristic of democracy. Judiciary must be free from any control of the executive or the legislature. Judges must be honest and should deliver justice impartially.
(vi) Organised opposition party:
Another important characteristic of democracy is the presence of organised opposition party or parties in the state. Majority party forms the government and party with a minority in the legislature forms the opposition party.
The opposition party keeps an eye on the policies and working of the government. By criticising the wrong policies of the government, it forces the government to make laws and frame policies for the welfare of the people. It prevents the government from being dictatorial.