What is the five kingdom system of classification describe it in detail
the Five Kingdom Classification proposed by Robert Whittaker stood out and is widely used.
Whitaker proposed that organisms should be broadly divided into kingdoms, based on certain characters like the structure of the cell, mode of nutrition, the source of nutrition, interrelationship, body organization, and reproduction. According to this system, there are five main kingdoms. They are:
Kingdom Monera
Characteristics of Monera
Monera (Monos – single) includes prokaryotes and shows the following characters:
They are typically unicellular organisms (but one group is mycelial). The genetic material in these organisms is the naked circular DNA. A nuclear envelope is absent. Both, ribosomes and simple chromatophores, are the only subcellular organelles in the cytoplasm.
Sap vacuoles do not occur. Instead, gas vacuole may be present.
The predominant mode of nutrition is absorptive but some groups are photosynthetic (holophytic) and chemosynthetic.
The organisms are non-motile or move by the beating of simple flagella or by gliding.
Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdoms are divided into subgroups at various levels. The following flowchart shows the hierarchy of classification.
Kingdom → Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species