Biology, asked by vishal77690, 1 year ago

what is the full form of PH value ​


Answered by ancyvarghese


pH was originally acronym for French clause "pouvoir hydrogène," which can be translated into the English as "power of hydrogen," "hydrogen power," or "potential of hydrogen."


ancyvarghese: please mark my answer as brainliest
vishal77690: i don't know how to mark
ancyvarghese: If two person had given your answer then there is a option of mark as brainliest. Click there in the option of mark as brainliest in which you like the answer most. If any one person has given answer then after some days you will a notification to mark his/her answer as brainliest.
vishal77690: ok
Answered by neetusharma200106


pouvoir hydrogenepH was originally acronym for French clause "pouvoir hydrogène," which can be translated into the English as "power of hydrogen," "hydrogen power," or "potential of hydrogen." pH is used to quantify acidic or alkaline nature of a chemical which is measured in terms of H+ ions

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