Physics, asked by meenuverma5555p452iu, 1 year ago

What is the Function of Hydrochloric Acid? (हाइड्रोक्लोरिक अम्ल का कार्य क्या है?)(i) It makes pepsin enzyme effective. (यह पेप्सिन एंजाइम को प्रभावी बनाता है.)(ii) It kills bacteria which may enter in stomach with food. (यह उन बैक्टीरिया को मारता है जो भोजन के साथ अमाशय में प्रवेश कर सकते हैं।)Which of the following statements is/are correct? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है?) *

1 point

Only (केवल) (i)

Only (केवल) (ii)

Both (i) and (ii). (दोनों (i) and और (ii)

Neither (i) nor (ii). (न तो (i) और न ही (ii)


Answered by kushagrakiyawat16


Both (i) and (ii)

As HCl helps in conversion of pro-pepsin into active-pepsin and kills all the bacteria which remain unprocessed in the semi-digested food(Bolus)

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