what is the function of NEXT in for ... next loop
hello friends here is your answer:-
the for ..... next statement is an interactive.inctementel loop statement used to repeat a sequence of statements for a specific number of occurences. A for ..... next loop executed a set of statement of succsecive values of a variental until a limiting value Is encountered
Answer: - The function of Next in the for-next loop is to go and get or obtain the next value provided in the for-next loop of any program written.
Detailed answer: -
- Next() is a build in function which is used to get or obtain the next value from an iterator.
For an example: - a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].
- A for loop is used for the iterating over a condition that either a list, a tuple or a string.
- The for-next loop is a loop in a programming. It is used in all the programming languages. It is used to execute a program repeatedly. It repeats the loop until it gets the correct or the condition that is satisfied with the output needed or input done.
Syntex of for-next loop is as follows: -
For variable_name As [ DataType ] = start To end [ Step step ]
[ Statements to be executed ]
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