English, asked by ayushpathak78, 10 months ago

what is the general belief regarding teenagers?


Answered by sayyadmohd78

Ever since I became one myself, I’ve been uneasy about the clichéd way teenagers (aka young adults) are portrayed. I did a bit of research before beginning my latest YA novels and found a minefield of misunderstanding. There’s more myth about teenagers, I realised, than about the entire galaxy of ancient Greek gods and goddesses!

The task for my new series (so far The Soterion Mission and Revenge of the Zeds) was simple: challenge the teenage stereotype and set the record straight.

To do this, I set the books about a century after the 2017 Mini Flu epidemic. The seemingly harmless disease altered human DNA so no one lives beyond their 18th year. Following the Great Death, the world is run by teenagers. The distinction between teenager and adult has gone – teenagers are the adults.

And what’s this world like? Though their lives are technologically primitive, their behaviour is uncannily similar to our own. Surprised? Not if one remembers that ‘young adults’ are just what it says on the tin: adults.

if you are satisfy with my ans then mark me as a brainlist.

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Answered by Anushkasingh456

MYTH: There have always been teenagers.

Of course there have always been people aged between 13 and 19. But the word ‘teen’ didn’t appear until 1899, and the use of ‘teenager’ was almost unheard of before the 1950s. But we love putting people into pigeon holes. As soon as ‘teenager’ had been invented, it was seized on by all kinds of 20+ experts – and we’ve been stuck with it ever since.

Anonymous: Hey
Anonymous: R uh here???
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