English, asked by esan85, 1 year ago

What is the grammatical name and function of the underlined word or group of words in these sentences? the words with "....", are underlined...
1. "They" practised very hard.
2. She always drives "with care".
3. Amina gave me a glass "full of water".
4. Sleeping late in night is not "a good habit".
5. A boy "from America" won the race.
6. Ayomide angered Duduyemi very quickly.
7. The judge gave "Dr. Gold Desmond" the death penalty.
8. She started thinking about "the problem".
9. He sat "in a corner of the room".
10.The girl with "blue eyes" bought a beautiful chair.
11.He returned "in a short while".
12.The man "in the room" is our teacher.
13.Dr. Fauci disagreed with "President Trump" on economy reopening yet.
14.The new boy answered the questions "very brilliantly".
15.She left "some broken bottles" on her bedside.


Answered by sshobhit803

1. "They" practised very hard. Subject

2. She always drives "with care". adverb

3. Amina gave me a glass "full of water". adjective

4. Sleeping late in night is not "a good habit". adj

5. A boy "from America" won the race. case in apposition

6. Ayomide angered Duduyemi very quickly. subject & obhect

7. The judge gave "Dr. Gold Desmond" the death penalty. subject of reported speech

8. She started thinking about "the problem". noun

9. He sat "in a corner of the room". object

10.The girl with "blue eyes" bought a beautiful chair. adj

11.He returned "in a short while". adj of time

12.The man "in the room" is our teacher.

13.Dr. Fauci disagreed with "President Trump" on economy reopening yet. subject

14.The new boy answered the questions "very brilliantly". adverb

15.She left "some broken bottles" on her bedside.adj

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