Sociology, asked by skranjan50, 5 hours ago

What is the identity of a gentle and cultured girl?​


Answered by MuhammdAslam

Class is a mysterious essence that comes in many forms, depending on the woman. It largely comes from a woman’s sense of herself – from confidence without brashness, from courtesy, from kindness, and often includes a distinct sense of style – though that style can be unique and unconventional.

A lady displays self-respect, class, appreciation, and etiquette. She does not allow her mood to affect her manners. Being a classy lady doesn’t mean that you should be snobby or stuck up, but that you should have dignity, consideration, and moderation in your daily actions.


1. A classy woman is not mean to other women

I can’t stress this enough. A classy woman is not a mean girl. She ignores women who are spiteful to her and goes about her life on her own terms.

2. A classy woman refrains from using vulgar language.

She understands that the language you use represents your mind and heart.

3. She dresses tastefully.

The key here is to dress with dignity. It does not have to cost much, its more important to find clothes that actually fit you right, that are wrinkle-free, and that cover your bits.

4. A classy woman is well-read and intelligent.

5. A classy woman calls 9 a.m and before 9 p.m.

6. A classy woman speaks confidently.

She stalks clearly enough for others to understand her. She avoids saying “um” because that will make her look unrefined.

7. A classy woman is mindful of people’s time and is punctual.

If she is running late she will call or text the host with the time she will arrive.

8. A classy woman has good manners.

9. A classy woman gives authentic compliments.

She only gives compliments she sincerely means it. Insecurities are easier to read than we think.

10. A classy woman offers to help.

She is considerate of those around her and will help in any way that she can.

11. A classy woman responds to invitations promptly.

When she receives a birthday, wedding, or an event invitation she quickly RSVPs or declines. When she receives help or hospitality from someone she sends a thank you note to display her gratitude.

12. A classy woman does not arrive at a party or gathering empty handed.

She brings a small hostess gift or something to contribute.

13. A classy lady is a woman of her word.

She has a respectable reputation based on her consistency of her word. She keeps her promises and obligations. She’s known amongst her friends and family as someone who is dependable.

14. A classy woman does not pursue a man.

She knows her worth and knows she deserves to be pursued. If you feel the need to have to initiate contact you should know that you are not dealing with a gentleman and should move on.

15. A classy woman is not petty.

She is not jealous of the woman who her husband’s chatting with. She’s not mean to the neighbor’s kid because he/she is better than her own kids. A classy woman know she’s competing only with herself.

16. A classy woman is dignified.

Oh sure, they get upset and angry, everyone does. But the classy people I have known stay calm when they do. They respond to the issue and not the person..

17. A classy woman is a woman of substance.

She is talented and inspires other women.

18. A classy woman is grateful.

She practices having a heart of gratitude she says thank you for specific actions or generosities. She gives to those who are in need.

19. A classy woman guards her heart and thoughts.

She understands that looks can be deceiving, buying expensive clothing does not make up for classy. However, it is her thoughts and heart that separate her.

20. A classy woman is actively listening and engaging in conversations.

She is not checking her phone while others are talking to her.

21. A classy lady seeks the truth and does not believe everything she hears.

She defends the truth even when it isn’t popular. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and is passionate to see the oppressed redeemed

22. A classy woman respects her elders.

She calls her elders “sir” or “ma’am.”. When she addresses a man, it is always as “Mr. (last name)” and a woman as “Mrs.” or “Miss (last name)” until they’ve been green-lighted to use their first name or nickname.

23. A classy woman speaks faithfully.

She knows that her identity is rooted in God. Her strength and vision come from Jesus Christ through daily prayer. A classy lady does the right thing even when it is not expected of her. For example, she blesses someone’s reputation who has attempted to curse hers.

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