what is the importance of election
- Elections are a significant and essential part of a democratic country.
- With the help of votes, citizens of the country can choose their representatives.
- A person who is 18 years or more can freely exercise the right of voting.
- Every democratic nation runs on the slogan – of the people, by the people, and for the people, elections is a process through which it is completed.
- The candidates who stand for elections a second time, need to show the citizen their performance in the office through the previous years.
- It’s a step that provides equality and fairness as all the citizens are eligible to vote regardless of any kind of discrimination.
- Any candidate who fulfils all the requirements for standing for a post can campaign and stand for elections.
- The election is a process where the candidates who are standing for elections need to show their achievements to prove that are capable candidates.
- The vote is a process through which the country stays on the path of democracy and doesn’t turn into anarchy.
- Through elections, the citizens of the state choose a government that will work towards the welfare and development of the country.
Elections form the bedrock of the largest democracy in the world - India. Since Independence, as many as 15 Lok Sabhas have been formed through elections, the first one being held in 1951-52.
The methodology of election is through universal adult suffrage, whereby every citizen of India over 18 years of age is an eligible voter in the eyes of the Constitution.
Elections provide a way to the people to assert their voice, opinion and choose the person whose priorities and ideas matches with them most. In India the elections are not new and they started taking place before the independence from British rule itself.
But before independence the franchise was quit limited and very few were having rights to participate and vote. After independence, India adopted universal adult suffrage and each adult Indian got the right to vote.