what is the importance of people's participation in development.
Participation: has an intrinsic value for participants; is a catalyst for further development; encourages a sense of responsibility; guarantees that a felt need is involved; ensures things are done the right way; uses valuable indigenous knowledge; frees people from dependence on others' skills; and makes people more ...
Importance of Participation
Part of 2004 Report "Designing Social Capital Sensitive Participation Methodologies"
Despite some authors contesting that participation makes no difference, the importance of community participation is well established in the literature. Chamala (1995)[1] identified efficiency benefits from participation, stating that ‘involving stakeholders and empowering community participants in programs at all levels, from local to national, provide a more effective path for solving sustainable resource management issues’. Participation enhances project effectiveness through community ownership of development efforts and aids decision-making (Kelly and Van Vlaenderen 1995[2]; Kolavalli and Kerr 2002[3]). Price and Mylius (1991)[4] also identified local ownership of a project or program as a key to generating motivation for ecologically sustainable activities. The authors also identify the role of community participation in disseminating information amongst a community, particularly local knowledge, that leads to better facilitation of action (Price and Mylius 1991[4]; Stiglitz 2002[5]). Kelly (2001)[6] identified that participation results in learning, and learning is often a prerequisite for changing behavior and practice.