CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Dhayeetri, 1 year ago

what is the importance of scales of measurement in manegerial decision making?​


Answered by lakshaymadaan18

Operating a business of any size is a complex undertaking. In addition to day-to-day responsibilities, your company must engage in long-term planning, develop new products or services, streamline production or delivery and locate new customers while serving existing clients. Running a shop on instinct no longer suffices. Statistics provide managers with more confidence in dealing with uncertainty in spite of the flood of available data, enabling managers to more quickly make smarter decisions and provide more stable leadership to staff relying on them.

Focusing on Big Picture

Statistical analysis of a representative group of consumers can provide a reasonably accurate, cost-effective snapshot of the market with faster and cheaper statistics than attempting a census of very single customer a company may ever deal with. The statistics can also afford leadership an unbiased outlook of the market, to avoid building strategy on uncorroborated presuppositions.

Evidence to Substantiate Positions

Statistics back up assertions. Leaders can find themselves backed into a corner when persuading people to move in a direction or take a risk based on unsubstantiated opinions. Statistics can provide objective goals with stand-alone figures as well as hard evidence to substantiate positions or provide a level of certainty to directions to take the company.

For example, you may find it easier to convince board members of the value of international expansion by providing data on the available market for products in a given country. Break down demographics, average income and competitor products in the country.

Making Connections Between Variables

Statistics can point out relationships. A careful review of data can reveal links between two variables, such as specific sales offers and changes in revenue or dissatisfied customers and products purchased. Delving into the data further can provide more specific theories about the connections to test, which can lead to more control over customer satisfaction, repeat purchases and subsequent sales volume. For example, a free gift with purchase offer may drive more sales than a discount period.

Ensuring Product Quality

Anyone who has looked into continuous improvement or quality assurance programs, such as Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing, understands the necessity for statistics. Statistics provide the means to measure and control production processes to minimize variations, which lead to error or waste, and ensure consistency throughout the process. This saves money by reducing the materials used to make or remake products, as well as materials lost to overage and scrap, plus the cost of honoring warranties due to shipping defective products.

Additional Considerations when Using Statistics

Know what to measure, and manage the numbers; don’t let the numbers do the managing for you, or of you. Before using statistics, know exactly what to ask of the data. Understand what each statistical tool can and can’t measure; use several tools that complement one another. For example, don’t rely exclusively on an "average," such as a mean rating.

Customers using a five-point scale to rate satisfaction won’t give you a 3.84; that may indicate how the audience as a group clustered, but it’s also important to understand the width of the spread using standard deviation or which score was used by the greatest number of people, by noting the mode. Finally, double-check the statistics by perusing the data, particularly its source, to get a sense of why the audiences surveyed answered the way they did.

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