what is the importance of teacher in our life. (answer this in hindi)
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A guide, a guru, a teacher, a mentor, an educator call them by any name they mean the same.
In India, teacher’s day is celebrated on 5 September every year to commemorate the birth of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan sir.
There is no denying in the fact that the teacher’s have played a very important role in moulding our personality and shaping us in who we are today. The teachers carry a huge responsibility of shaping the young minds!
A teacher,
ignites the young mind
nurtures the sprouts to take strong roots
clears the weeds of ignorance
helps the bud blossom into a flower!
A teacher,
Is a beacon of light guiding
like a candle who burns selflessly
to light a thousand new ones
enlightening the eager minds!
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गुरु का हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्त्व है । गुरु हमे जीवन एक राह दिखाते है। हमे अच्छी बातें सिखाते है।
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