Geography, asked by sangipagikethan6147, 1 year ago

What is the importance of various species in the ecosystem?


Answered by topanswers

Every single organism on the planet earth lives by depending on others in name of food chain. If the food chain gets disturbed, it will lead to a severe ecological imbalance. So, every single organism in the ecosystem is important.

For example: let us take sea ecosystem and fishing depletion.

Humans are considered as an element to control over population in fish species. But unfortunately, the controlling measures resulted in high level depletion in fish stock world wide. According to a recent study, by the year 2048, we are about to witness a considerable level of fall in every sea food species.

Over fishing and environmental destruction are the prominent reasons for the depletion in fishing stocks.

Some of the worst consequences of fish stock depletion are given below.

Fishes are known to be the base level of sea food chain. Fishes eats microbes and algae in the water. If fishes gone there will be the intensive proliferation in microbes and algae which can possibly poison the waters.

Depletion in fish stock will reduce the food consumption of bigger sea creatures which are lying at the next level of the sea food chain. This will result in depletion of those species.

This will finally result in an ecosystem imbalance following extinction of species.

If the sea Eco system affected than humans who are depended on the sea for food and economy will have to face a sever consequences.

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Answered by Anonymous


(i) We have selected various crops from the reserve of edible plants from a bio diverse environment.

(ii) We have also experimented and selected many medicinal plants.

(iii) There are animals who are milch animals. They provide us milk alongwith other milk products prepared by us.

(iv) They also provide us help during drought-prone season in cultivating and ploughing the fields.

(v) The fish is nutritive and provides rich proteins.

(vi) Many insects help in pollination of crops and fruit trees. So, every species has a role to play in the ecosystem.

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