What is the irrigation if water supplies through storage canal head works and canal distribution work
Any hydraulic structure which supplies water to the off taking canal. Diversion head-work provides an obstruction across a river, so that the water level is raised and water is diverted to the channel at required level. The increase water level helps the flow of water by gravity and results in increasing the commanded area and reducing the water fluctuations in the river.
Diversion head-work may serve as silt regulator into the channel. Due to the obstruction, the velocity of the river decreases and silt settles at the bed. Clear water with permissible percentage of silt is allowed to flow through the regulator into the channel.
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To prevent the direct transfer of flood water into the channel.
Functions of a Headwork
A headwork serves the following purposes
A headwork raises the water level in the river
It regulates the intake of water into the canal
It also controls the entry of silt into the canal
A head work can also store water for small periods of time.
Reduces fluctuations in the level of supply in river