what is the key to success for it industries in India
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There are a few key factors for successful IT projects in India:
1) Contextual Business Analysis
India's proper industrialization started only about 15 years ago. For a national economy to industrialize you need 50 to 75 years. Keep this in mind if you are looking to optimize your processes or drive organizational change by outsourcing to India. That India has a less industrial heritage to build upon is not necessarily a shortcoming but can be an opportunity. Its IT sector is capable of delivering what you are seeking. But while you determine business needs and solutions, do not forget to provide contextual information. After all, you will be doing that from a mature economy's point of view.
2) Explicit Requirements
We inevitably communicate between the lines even in technical documents. But we must not rely on the reader to understand our implicit information because he or she may not be able to relate to them based on their everyday life. A maturing economy tries to achieve the unknown, the mature one tries to preserve it.
3) Inclusive Documentation
For the same reasons as in points one to three, your documentation will have 1.5 times its regular volume after review by a dark horse.
4) Express Expectations
Do you use the subjunctive form to show you are respectful? Does your seemingly polite "could," "should" or "would" not deliver desired results? That's because you are inquiring for possibilities only. Interestingly, your team in India appreciates being told what you expect from them.
5) Stringent Roles and Responsibilities
Generally speaking, India still is a society that adheres to seniority, authority and hierarchy. Teams avoid trespassing organizational boundaries, showing respect for the other's area of influence, expertise or designation.
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what do customers wants?
- low prices
- good quality products
- wide range of product
- good services
- easy to available all
and other more points like
- effective forecasting
- stock control
- strong balance sheet
- market position
- hiring the right and intelligent employees
- creating system in retail
- selling good products
- marketing and advertising