What is the keyboard shortcut key to start the power point presentation?Please give correct answer ASAP
There Is NO shortcut!
in that case, I think you might be saying open start and type Powerpoint?
To do this Press
Start a presentation from the beginning. F5
Start a presentation from the current slide. Shift+F5
Start the presentation in Presenter View. Alt+F5
PowerPoint 2010 and 2007 Not available
Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide. N
Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide. P
Hide the pointer and navigation buttons. Ctrl+H
Display a blank black slide, or return to the presentation from a blank black slide. B
Display a blank white slide, or return to the presentation from a blank white slide. W
Stop or restart an automatic presentation. S
End the presentation. Esc
In PowerPoint 2010 and 2007 Hyphen (-)
hope it helps u