What is the largest possible two digit number which divides 32472?
The given number is 32472. The largest two-digit number is 99.
As per the question, (3+2+4) – (7+2) => 9-9 = 0. Hence, the number is divisible by 11.
On the other hand, since the given number ends with 2, it will be divisible by 2.
Therefore, the sum of the given number will be 3+2+4+7+2 = 18. Hence, it is divisible by 9.
Thus, we can say that the given number is divisible by 99 i.e. 11x9 = 99.
99 is the largest possible two digit number which divides 32472.
Dividend = 32472
Divisor of the given number.
We can simply solve the above problem as follows;
We are given a number - 32472. We have to find out the largest possible 2-digit number which can exactly divide given number.
We know that for a number to be exactly divisible by a number the remainder should be zero.
Smallest 2 digit number = 10
Largest 2-digit number = 99
Let us check if 99 exactly divides 32472.
99 ) 32472
- 297
We can see observe that on dividing 32472 by 99 the remainder is zero.
Hence,99 is the largest possible two digit number which divides 32472.