Math, asked by ruckjayanthi, 2 months ago

what is the largestthree digitnumbewhenthe prpoperty thatthat the number is equal to sum of its hundred digit the squareof its tens digitand cube ofits unit digit​


Answered by sharanyarakesh29


Step-by-step explanation:

What is the largest three-digit number with the property that the number is equal to the sum of its hundreds digit, the square of its tens digit and the cube of its units digit?


An equation for this

100a + 10b + c = a + b^2 + c^3


Too many unknowns for me to solve, used a simple basic program as follows:


10 print"A three-digit number is equal to the sum of its hundreds digit, the square of its tens digit and the cube of its units digit?":print

20 for a = 1 to 9

30 for b = 0 to 940 for c = 0 to 9

50 n = (100*a) + (10*b) + c

60 m = a + b^2 + c^3

70 if m = n then print, m

80 next c

90 next b

100 next a

120 end


It came up with 4 solutions, the largest: 598

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