What is the Latitude and Longitude of Brazil and What is the time difference between India and Brazil???
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There is a wide longitudinal extent between Brazil and India. Thus, local times of both countries would vary to a large extent. Longitudinal Difference = 82o30'E - 46°38'W = 129.13° Time difference = 129.13° *4 minutes = 516.53 minutes = 8.60 hours Thus, local time at Sao Paulo, Brazil = 9:24 PM of previous day.
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There is a wide longitudinal extent between Brazil and India. Thus, local times of both countries would vary to a large extent. Longitudinal Difference = 82o30'E - 46°38'W = 129.13° Time difference = 129.13° *4 minutes = 516.53 minutes = 8.60 hours Thus, local time at Sao Paulo, Brazil = 9:24 PM of previous day.
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