What is the LCM of 0.72,1.2 and 2.24?
We can write these ratios as following
0.72 = 0.72 ( 2 decimal point)
1.2 = 1.20 (2 decimal point)
2.24 = 2.24 (2 decimal point)
Find the prime factors of 72, 120 and 224
prime factors of 72 are cubes of 2 and 3
72 = 2³ x 3²
prime factors of 120 are cube of 2 ,3 and 5
120 = 2³ x 3 x 5
prime factors of 224 are 2 raise to power 5 multiply by 7
224 = 2⁵ x 7
Find the LCM (least common factor)for 72, 120 and 224
LCM = 2⁵ x 3² x 5 x 7
least common factor (lcm) = 10080
Find the LCM for 0.72, 1.20 and 2.24
*Note that all are 2 decimal places
that's why we will divide 10080 by 100
LCM = 10080 ÷ 100
LCM = 100.8
LCM (least common factor) is (100.8)
Write in like decimals:
0.72 = 0.72 ( 2 d.p.)
1.2 = 1.20 (2 d.p.)
2.24 = 2.24 (2 d.p.)
Find the prime factors of 72, 120 and 224
72 = 2³ x 3²
120 = 2³ x 3 x 5
224 = 2⁵ x 7
Find the LCM for 72, 120 and 224
LCM = 2⁵ x 3² x 5 x 7
= 10080
Find the LCM for 0.72, 1.20 and 2.24
*Note that all are 2 decimal places
LCM = 10080 ÷ 100
= 100.8
Answer: The LCM is 100.8