Math, asked by nahmal, 3 months ago

What is the least natural number that should be added to 52341693 so that the sum is multiple of 8?


Answered by ap5495989


I will give two answers because I know one of them will be incorrect

Sum of 52341693=33 +7=40÷8=5

Sum of 52341693+3=52341696÷8= 6542712

So the answer is either 7 or 3 depending on how you read the question I hope!!!!

Answered by ghousehameed78613



Step-by-step explanation:

The divisibility of any number by 8 can be determined if the last 3 digits is divisible by 8, because from the 4th digit onwards, they represent multiples of 1000, and 1000 is divisible by 8 (1000 = 8*125).

693/8 = 86 with remainder 5

So for the number to be divisible by 8, you need to add 3

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