Math, asked by dorethyjoycadion88, 4 months ago

What is the least number that rounds off to 2000


Answered by amitnrw

Given : number  rounds off to 2000

To Find :  least number that rounds off to 2000


Least number that rounds off to 2000 will be obtained when rounding is to thousand place  

To Round off  the nearest thousand  we need to check digit at Hundreds places

if Digit at Hundred place is  less than 5  then all digit after thousand place is made 0 and no change in digit of thousand place

if Digit at Hundred place is 5 or greater than 5  then all digit after thousand place is made 0  but 1 is added in digit at  thousand place.

Hence  1500 is the least number that rounds off to 2000

if rounding is to hundred place

then  least numbers is  1950

if rounding is tens place

then  least numbers is  1995

if rounding is at unit place

Then least number is 1999.5

1500 is the least number that rounds off to 2000

Learn More:

Round off the nearest thousand 2475 answer -

5. Round off to the nearest ten thousands:827371(1 Point ...

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