What is the life expectancy in India as per 2014? (GOOD ANSWER WILL BE MARKED AS BRAINLIEST)
Life expectancy for women was 73.70 years in urban centres and 69 in rural areas while the comparative figures for men were 71.20 years and 66.40 years, respectively, as per the SRS report released by the Registrar General of India.
Issue-2Volume-2February -2014Pages-8www.uni-mysore.ac.inInside...Life Expectancy of India.....Page-2Health Expenditure isHigh...Page-3Spending for LifePage-4Life Expectancy ofwomen ..Page-5GovernmentInitiative..Page-6WHO 2011 reporton IndiaLife expectancy:Male: 63.8Female: 67.3Total: 65.5World Rank: 133Causes of Death InIndiaDeath due to coronaryheart disease: 13.88%world Rank: 37Lung disease: 11%World Rank: 1Diarrhoeal disease:12.06% World Rank 11Liver diseases: 2.31World Rank: 27Low birth weight: 2.74World Rank: 47HIV/AIDS: 2.05%World Rank: 67Life Expectancy as an Indicator for HD1950-551960-651970-751980-851990-952000-052005-10Developed6669.871.372.974.175.877.1Developing41.748.656.66163.966.667.7Under Developed36.440.644.44850.45455.9World 46.652.458.261.76466.467.6Human development is measured in threedimensions : Health, Education and Livingstandard.these dimensions further have four sub indicatorslike life expectancy at birth, mean year of schooling,expected year of schooling and Gross NationalIncome Per capita. Life expectancy is the mostfundamental indicator of the condition of life,reflecting not just on health but also stability andhuman security.