what is the life of ant
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A life of ant
A ant work very hard to be alive they always work for food before winter so that they get warm. Ant work in one power of the piece of a food is larger than them one-two ants always help them to carry. Many rules they follow like in india there is a zam problem and many time they overtake but a ant walk in line. They feed other baby ants and make there wisdom big by digging more and more when a enime came to there area they attack. The ants have a queen ant they very much bigger than singal/normal ants. But when a many queen ants born many eggs form where a baby ant comes out always grow up and kill there own mothers because they always make one queen.
There are many dengerous they are either dangerous or warn everyone. They always save there queen there are some red ants which are very small they are all call as carnivorous/ insectivorus ants they are very small and eat other dead insects.
Ηορε ιτ нεlρ γου δεαπ ғπιεηδ
A life of ant
A ant work very hard to be alive they always work for food before winter so that they get warm. Ant work in one power of the piece of a food is larger than them one-two ants always help them to carry. Many rules they follow like in india there is a zam problem and many time they overtake but a ant walk in line. They feed other baby ants and make there wisdom big by digging more and more when a enime came to there area they attack. The ants have a queen ant they very much bigger than singal/normal ants. But when a many queen ants born many eggs form where a baby ant comes out always grow up and kill there own mothers because they always make one queen.
There are many dengerous they are either dangerous or warn everyone. They always save there queen there are some red ants which are very small they are all call as carnivorous/ insectivorus ants they are very small and eat other dead insects.
Ηορε ιτ нεlρ γου δεαπ ғπιεηδ

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