what is the light transmission of cabalt??
Step-by-step explanation:
The transmission of red laser light with wavelength λ = 632.8 nm of Cox-(Al2O3)1-x magnetic granular thin films was investigated under the effect of external magnetic field H (0–500 Oe). Results showed the behaviors of variation in the T transmittance ratio as a function of H exhibit three trends depending on the Co content x: (1) T declines to a saturation value called the floor level of the transmission Tflo when x < 0.49; (2) T tends to reach a maximum and then decreases to a saturation floor level when x = 0.49; and (3) T increases to a saturation value called the ceiling level of the transmission Tcei, when x > 0.49. Tflo increases in accordance with x when x < 0.49, whereas Tcei decreases rapidly when x approaches 1. These phenomena were considered to be related to the magnon–plasmon interactions from excitation by photons for the spins polarized in the Co particles.
Beautiful blue cobalt is a transition metal, perched in the midst of the Periodic Table. In pure form, cobalt is silvery-blue and brittle. ... It is similar to iron and nickel, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, and — like iron — can be made magnetic.