What is the longitude of a place where the local time is 3 pm when the time in london is 6pm?
Answer: The time difference between New Delhi and the place is 9.00 pm + 6.00 am which is 15 hours. Hence, the time in terms of minutes would be 15 hours 60 minutes = 900 minutes. Therefore the longitudinal difference will be which is . Therefore the place would be in the west
Longitude and latitude are coordinate systems by way of which the location or position of any on the 'Earth's surface' can be ascertained and described.
Longitude is the measurement west or east of the 'prime meridian'. Longitude is calculated by imaginary lines which run round the Earth up and down (vertically) and meet at the South and North Poles.
These lines are referred to as 'meridians'. Each meridian measure '1 arc degree of longitude'. The distance around the Earth measures 360.
To know more
What is the value of degrees of longitude at mirzapur?
What is the westernmost longitude of India
Your time zone is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich (I assume you mean the suburb of London). In the summer Greenwich is UTC+1, in the winter the time zone is UTC. So your local time zone is UTC+2 or UTC+3.
Search the map for time zones UTC+2 or UTC+3. They range from the west of Libya (9.38° E) to the east of an Arctic island in Russia, the name of which the maps can’t agree on. Novaya Zemlya maybe, about 69° E.
Hope this will Help you