what is the longitude of cape Town 10:50pm when it is 3:10am at Dallas 97degree west
When it is 10:50 PM in Cape Town, the longitude would be approximately 18 degrees east.
When it is 10:50 PM in Cape Town and 3:10 AM in Dallas (97 degrees west), we need to compute the time difference between the two places in order to get Cape Town's longitude.
The longitude difference can be used to determine the time difference between Dallas and Cape Town. We may convert the time difference to -7 hours because Dallas is situated at 97 degrees west, which is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The time in Cape Town can now be determined by adding the time difference, if it is 3:10 AM in Dallas. 3:10 AM + (-7 hours) = 8:10 AM.
Therefore, when it is 10:50 PM in Cape Town, the longitude would be approximately 18 degrees east.
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