What is the main component of a cell membrane in the fluid-mosaic model?
The main components of cell membrane in the fluid mosaic model is "the number of protein iceberg floating on the sea "
The plasma membrane is a phospholipides bilayer. That contains intrinsic and extrinsic proteins.
⭐The cell membrane is composed of lipids that are arranged in a bilayer.
⭐These lipids are arranged within the membrane with the polar head that is hydrophillic towards the outer sides interacting with water and the hydrophobic tail towards the inner sides.
⭐Later it was revealed that the cell membrane also possesess protein and carbohydrate.
⭐In humans, the membrane of the erythrocyte (RBC) has approximately 52 % protein and 40 % lipid.
⭐An inmproved structure of cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Nicolson (1972) widely accepted as Fluid Mosaic Model.