English, asked by Vipin9803, 7 days ago

What is the MAIN purpose of paragraph 3 from the passage "Are Chihuahuas from Chihuahua"?


Answered by gulwadiyatanvi



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1 The Chihuahua (cheeWAHwah) is a favorite at dog shows. Audiences greet the little Mexican dog with enthusiastic applause. The world’s smallest dogs weigh one to six pounds and come in different color combinations. Some Chihuahuas have short, smooth coats. Others have long, soft, fringed coats.

2 The dogs were probably named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, although there is no record that they were numerous there. Chihuahuas first attracted international attention in Mexico City in 1895. Soon, they appeared in El Paso, Texas, and they shortly became the most popular toy breed in the United States.

3 According to many dog books, Chihuahuas trace their ancestry to Mexico’s Aztec culture. The tiny dogs were said to have descended from techichis (tayCHEEchees), small dogs who foresaw the future, cured diseases, and guided the souls of the dead across the waters flowing between this world and Mictlan (meektLAN), the Aztec underworld. Aztec households supposedly kept them as pets and, when they died, buried them with family members. Images of the animals were placed on the walls of buildings. The story goes that when Aztec culture died out under Spanish repression, techichis turned wild. In the mid-19th century, techichis were reported running wild in packs in Chihuahua.

4 Careful recent research discredits these accounts. Early Spanish explorers mentioned “an animal something like a dog” that lived in holes in the ground and was caught and eaten by natives. English translations left out the word

“something” so that the phrase “an animal like a dog” led to the notion that techichis were dogs! The explorers were really describing prairie dogs, which are not dogs, but rodents!

5 Apparently, there were no native dogs in Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. Scholars now believe that Spanish trading ships brought dwarfed dogs from China to Mexico. These small dogs crossbred with other dogs also introduced from abroad. The results were the ancestors of today’s Chihuahua. Regardless of their origin, Chihuahuas are forever linked with Mexico in our minds.

the question-

What is the MAIN purpose of paragraph 3 from the passage "Are Chihuahuas from Chihuahua"?

to describe Aztec spiritual and supernatural beliefs about dogs

to show the important similarities between between techichis and Chihuahuas

to present what is commonly thought to be the Chihuahua’s origin

to explain why the Aztec culture died out

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