what is the main purpose of the poem jamaica's market by Agnes Maxwell Halland?
is the main purpose o
Agnes Maxwell Hall is certainly at present the member of the family with the highest
profile; her poem 'Jamaica Market' is widely available in print and on the Web; it is
proving difficult to establish where her poems were first published, and also to find
her other writings. If, or when, I find more, I will put them on this page.
I have also been unsuccessful so far in finding out when and where she died; I am at
the moment following up a lead in the USA.
So far I have only found brief biographical references, but I hope I am on the track of
such a note written by Miss Maxwell Hall herself.
For now, though, this is what I have:
AGNES MAXWELL-HALL, born in 1894 in Montego Bay, Jamaica, was educated
in London, Boston, and New York City where she studied short-story writing
at Columbia.
This snippet from a Columbia University Bulletin of Information [no date] seems to