what is the main reason for trembling our body without any fear and cooling effect?
A shiver is caused by your muscles tightening and relaxing in rapid succession. This involuntary muscle movement is your body's natural response to getting colder and trying to warm up. ... Illness and other causes can also make you shake and shiver
People usually shiver to warm up when they are cold. However, there are other causes of shivering, some of which may signify an underlying health problem. ... Shivering is an involuntary movement of the body, which means that it is uncontrolled. Hiccups and sneezing are other examples of involuntary movements.
Yet all of them may be due to anxiety. Shaking may be caused by: ... This may cause shaking to occur for what seems to be no reason, although it tends to be less severe than during times of intense stress. Panic Attacks Before, during, or after panic attacks, shaking can be very common