Chemistry, asked by srinivasreddyreddy14, 5 months ago

what is the major component in antacid​


Answered by Littlenightmares


Most antacids contain at least one of these key ingredients: calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide and/or sodium bicarbonate. And while all these ingredients work to neutralize your stomach's acid

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  1. What is the main component of antacids?

Antacids are a combination of various compounds with various salts of calcium, magnesium, and aluminum as the active ingredients. The antacids act by neutralizing the acid in the stomach and by inhibiting pepsin, which is a proteolytic enzyme

What are the main components of antacid which relieves an overly acidic stomach?

Antacids are neutralizing, absorbing agents taken to relieve heartburn or indigestion caused by excess stomach acid. They typically contain salts of magnesium, aluminum, calcium and sodium. Antacids work by raising the gastric pH and are also used to provide symptomatic relief from peptic ulcers.

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