what is the major problem faced by the keralities who shifted from the rural life to on urban one
muja bhi bata oo pls pls
Not enough jobs to meet the expectations of educated people.Everyone wants a white collar job and state doesn't have adequate industries to provide the same.
Kerala`s key strengths are its rich vegetation,sea coast,agricultural sector and rare minerals.All these are linked to our natural environment and most of the industries present in state are based on these resources. Govt. and the industries are not able to effectively protect and utilise these resources.Paddy fields are converted into flats,water resources are being used for waste disposal.Natural resources are getting exploited. And most of the industries that depends on them are lacking power for growth.Many agro-based and chemical industries in Kerala are not generating profit.
Wages.People are educated and they have labour unions which raise voice for thier needs.Industries which want cheap labour will not shift to Kerala as workers have to be treated fairly.There`s a basic insitnct to almost all keralites.They will raise their voice if they come to their homeland and they used to be silent and be ready to do anything if they go outside Kerala .
Unavailability of land and environmental problems.
Ineffective utilisation of available resources. Paddy cultivation and rubber and cultivation of crops were our main source of profit in past and people are now losing interest on the same because of low revenue while the expense for setting up the same remains high.