what is the market share of the supplier of electricity in south Africa
What is the fundamental difference between a state-supported monopoly and a monopoly that develops in the market? The former has the state using taxes to shore up its failures and is protected by legislation preventing others from competing with it – the latter is a business that has gained monopoly status because it competed with others by offering better services and products. When an entity is protected by legislation, it becomes a monopoly. If a private company manages to attain a dominant position in the market it is because that company has offered better products and services than its competitors – a monopoly can only be described as such if it is backed by force
Escom Holdings SOC Limited is leading the electricity market in South Africa with their contribution accounting to about 90℅ and the remaining being produced by other Independent Power Producers( IPP).
Escom Holdings SOC Limited is known to be the leading supplier of electricity in South Africa but due to certain discrepancies and their downfall, the charge of distribution of electricity got divided long back between Escom and other Independent Power Producers.