what is the mass of the planet Jupiter ? how many Earths are joint together to form Jupiter ?
mass of Jupiter
The mass of Jupiter is 1.9 x 1027 kg. It is hard to fully understand a number that large, so here are a few comparisons to help. It would take 318 times Earth's mass to equal Jupiter's. Jupiter is 2.5 times more massive than all of the other planets in our Solar System combined.
Jupiter's large gravitational field makes it prone to impacts from asteroids, comets and other Solar System flotsam. ... This slow but constant loss of mass from Jupiter's atmosphere is actually greater than the gain in mass from collisions so, overall, Jupiter is shrinking not growing in mass.
1.898 × 10^27 kg
317.8 M⊕
Image result for what is the mass of Jupiter
Surface area: 61.42 billion km²
Distance from Sun: 778.5 million km
Divide the one by the other, and you get a value of 1299, meaning you could fit almost 1300 Earth's inside Jupiter. In short, the king of the planets is much, much, MUCH bigger than the planet we call home.