What is the maximum number fonts recommended in the typography guidelines?
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Heya buddy..
This question is interesting. I've honestly never heard of a limited number of font-sizes. I have, however, heard of the number of font-faces generally not exceeding 2 or 3. In today's responsive web, you'll see font-sizes changing all the time depending on the viewport
I tink what you'll find though is that there aren't any generally agreed upon best practices for the font sizes. As long as they don't dramatically change as to distract the viewer, you can play with them at your discretion. If you can use the font sizes in a distinguishable way so the user can relate a font size to a particular content type, than you should be fine. Just don't go overboard.
This question is interesting. I've honestly never heard of a limited number of font-sizes. I have, however, heard of the number of font-faces generally not exceeding 2 or 3. In today's responsive web, you'll see font-sizes changing all the time depending on the viewport
I tink what you'll find though is that there aren't any generally agreed upon best practices for the font sizes. As long as they don't dramatically change as to distract the viewer, you can play with them at your discretion. If you can use the font sizes in a distinguishable way so the user can relate a font size to a particular content type, than you should be fine. Just don't go overboard.
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