what is the mean of e in electricity chapter
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we all know that we need different types of electric lamp or electric tubelight to light at our home at night our daily life we also listen to music and see our favourite program on television during summer we keep our home cool using fan and cooler what make this applications work it is electricity electricity is the most Converse cement and widely used from the energy we now cannot imagine our life without electricity it was almost become as much a part of our daily life and their and water one day after dinner Rohit and Reena where playing a game of chess and their father suddenly the electricity supply event of their father took out in electricity tours from the near by driver and switch it on there was some light in the room and they could find their way the children were excited to wanted to now how them to look at the path of electricity torch are you interested like Rohit and Reena now this details we find that it has three main parts and electric bulb and electric cell or a combination of electricity and and agreements of housing them and on or off switch when we side press the switch off an electric torch electricity start following from the electric cells to electric bulb this following is a thin metallic strip which can act as a connecting wires this follow of electric current heat up the square of the below that there for light up chemical that used up the cell Mein stop working the most common cells that we used in electric torch and so many other devices are called dry cell each cell has to Terminal is now as its positive and negative terminal in a dry cells the central metal caps act as the positive terminal and the metal cases act and the negative terminal positive and negative sign are used to help to know how the electric cells are connected in the given device let us try to put Electricals in the torch how do we know if a cell have been interested properly in touch the positive terminal of the electric cell is connected to the negative terminal of the next electric cells if the electric cells are not put it in the character should we not work you can also try to replace the electric cells in TV remote in video game it is a do you get effort check the after the first term examination of electric cells is called a battery is called a battery battery a combination of a electric cells like when we used in electric torch forms an electric bike at you electric device in which you can use battery battery electric electric cells and batteries are available in different silence shaped cells that are used in wrist watches look at the bottom and are called button cells electric ball if torch bulb has an outer covering of glasses that is fixed on the mathematic base there is anything quite metal wire inside the glass cover it is a wire that gets heated up and the giver slide this thing metal wires are called vehement October the filament is supported by Two Three Four wires one of these connected to the methods of the metal cover the base of the bulb the two animal of different in such a way they that there cannot each other electric bulb used to lighten up in the home also have similar design on many. The difference of the two metallic constant are both around the basis of the ball and dinner does LED will slap on the increasing use light source LED stand for light emitting diode and they are built over the bio and LED lamp at long life and Confused little power problem of their cost are somewhat Hi I were a long life and low power at the great advantage why they are eco-friendly environmental now what government to text that would help people to switch over the use of LED lamps this is not being then why large scale this is not being done by large scale etc thank you please mark on brainly please please please please please mark midbrain
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