Sociology, asked by akshaydugudugati2021, 3 months ago

what is the meaning if institution.explain it's characteristics.


Answered by aishuclp


The concept of institution is another important concept in the field to sociology. It is basic to the understanding of society. Therefore French sociologist Durkheim has gone to the extent of defining sociology as the science of social institutions. F.H.Giddings regards "Institutions are the organ that conserve what is best in the part of human race". Characteristics of institution (a) Universal: Social institution are universal in nature. They are found everywhere and at all stages of social development. There can be no society in the absence of institutions. The basic institutions such as marriage, family, property. Religion are observed even in the tribal or primitive societies. (b) Institutions are Standardized Norms: Social institution must be understood as well recognized or standardized procedures and norms. They prescribe the way of doing thing. They also prescribe rules and regulations that are to be followed. For example- marriage, as an institution that governs the relation between the husband and wife. Similarly the school or college has its own established or standardized rules and procedures. (c) Institutions are Controlling Mechanism: Institutions like religion, education, morality, state, government, legislation etc Control the behavior of man. These mechanisms preserve the social order and give stability to it. Institutions is the machinery through which human society carries on its activities. They are like wheels on which human society marches on towards the desirable goals. (d) Institutions are Relatively Permanent: Institutions normally do not undergo sudden or rapid changes. Changes take place gradually. Many institutions are rigid and enduring. They in course of time became the conservative element in society. Examples: caste, religion etc. But under the pressure of circumstances they also undergo changes. (e) Abstract in Nature: Institutions are not external visible or tangible things. They are abstract. Thus marriage cannot be kept in a museum. Religion cannot be brought to the laboratory experiments and so on. However They can be compared and evaluated on the basis of values and ideologies. (f) Oral and Written Traditions institutions may persist in the form of oral or written traditions. In simple and preliterate societies, institutions, were in the oral form, Institutions are based on either customs and dogmas. But in modem societies, they are found in written as well as oral forms. There may be institutional forms like law, constitution, Sacred text, governmental orders, business contracts, political, educational and economic institutions and so on. (g) Symbolic Traits: Every social institution may have their own symbols, material or non-material. Examples: The Nation has flag, emblem and anthem as its symbols. Religion may have its own symbols like Idol, holy cross, crescent, star, swastika, Marriage may have own wedding ring or mangle-sutra and so on Symbolic traits are common to all well established institutions of the modem society. (h) Institutions are Interrelated: Institutions are interrelated. Understanding of one institution requires an understanding of other related institutions. Example: religious, moral, educational, political, economic, and other types of institutions are essentially interlinked.

Answered by bibihasina090


an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose.

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