English, asked by bhumika9648, 6 months ago

What is the meaning of
1. Unimaginable
2. Sacrifices
3. Finer
4. Truer
5. Beneath
6. Purest

anyone who give the meaning in hindi I will mark him brainlist ​


Answered by Anonymous


  1. अकल्पनीय Unimaginable
  2. बलि Sacrifices
  3. महीन Finer
  4. अधिक वास्तविक Truer
  5. नीचे Beneath
  6. शुद्धतम Purest


HoPe It HeLp's UhH ❣

Now No One Can Ib Uhh Dear

☺ApPy PrOmiSe DaY ☺

❣Today I promise to give you thanks =thanks ❣

PlS Flw Me Pls ☹pls

✌ITZ AbUsiNg QuEeN✌

Answered by vaidehi1419


1. Unimaginable - अकल्पनीय, जिस चीज़ की हम कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते।

2. Sacrifices - बलिदान, त्याग देना।

3. Finer - महीन, बहुत पतला।

4. Truer - सच बोलने वाला।

5. Beneath - किसी चीज के नीचे।

6. Purest - सबसे शुद्ध।

Hope it helps..

Mark my answer as brainliest if you want!

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