English, asked by Arpitashah2727, 9 months ago

What is the meaning of Barracks?
What is the meaning of Antennae ?
What is the meaning of the Anthills?
What is the meaning of Trumpeting?
What is the meaning of Astonishment?

Please Answer ​


Answered by padu2nandu2


Barracks are usually a group of long buildings built to house military personnel or laborers.

One of a pair of long, slender, segmented appendages on the heads of insects, centipedes, millipedes, and crustaceans. Most antennae are organs of touch, but some are sensitive to odors and other stimuli. A metallic device for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves.

The ant hill is a clever solution that makes it possible for the ants to control the temperature and climate of the nest. They move the brood to the part of the ant hill that suits them the best at a given time. The ant hill is not simply a random structure made of dirt and needles.

trumpeting: playing a trumpet,Trumpeting (verb): to bellow, rant, vehemently whine, or otherwise blow out metaphorical hot air. To demand attention, throw a tantrum or have a fit. To fill a space with as much shrill noise & self-righteousness as possible.

Astonishment definition is - a feeling of great surprise and wonder : the state of being astonished : amazement

Answered by CrystalMagicZ


  1. large building
  2. a long rod, which gets signals
  3. the habitat of ants
  4. to play a trumpet
  5. very suprised;very happy
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