What is the meaning of CNG?In which field its use is maximum in India ?
in transport
Natural gas as its name indicates is a Gaseous fuel, consisting of 87-92% of ... Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) means natural gas used as fuel for vehicles, ... we do not have liquefaction plants, as India is not a gas-exporting nation. .... The most commonly used in California are depleted reservoirs in oil and/or gas fields
Compressed natural gas (CNG) (methane stored at high pressure) is a fuel which can be used in place of gasoline , diesel fuel and propane/LPG. ... Its use is also increasing in South America, Europe and North America because of rising gasoline prices.
CNG is generally used to fuel transit and fleet vehicles in large cities, as well as in a limited number of personal Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs). India CNG Scenario. In India CNG is primarily used as an alternative fuel for transportation.