what is the meaning of following thoughts :
1.Success will never lower its standard to accommdate us, we have to raise our standard to achieve it. 2.Failure will never take over take if your definition to succeed is strong enough.
3. one best book is equal to best friends but a best friend is equal to a library.
Answer:1 these line states that if you want to achieve something in life first you will get a bits if failed but success will do it's best to it possible to achieve it
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The correct answer to this question is success may be defined in two ways: in a broad sense and in a narrow sense. Success is defined as the achievement of a stated objective in a broad sense.
Given - Success will never lower its standard to accommodate us, we have to raise our standard to achieve it. 2. Failure will never take over take if your definition to succeed is strong enough.
3. one best book is equal to best friends but a best friend is equal to a library.
To find - what is the meaning of the following thoughts -
You must elevate your standard to obtain success. You won't be able to get to your chosen location until you have that. We're attempting to communicate to you that you must work hard by upping your standard.
If my will to achieve is strong enough, failure will never overpower me – Og Mandino. "Never give up if you fail because FAIL stands for "First Attempt In Learning." - APJ Abdul Kalam Around us, we witness more failure than success. We are sometimes concerned about it and strive to prevent it.