What is the meaning of frubber
an elastic substance obtained from the milky juice of some tropical plants. 2 : something (as an overshoe) made of rubber. 3 : something used in rubbing. 4 : a synthetic substance like rubber.
Frubber is an elastic form of rubber used in robotics. It has been used by Hanson Robotics for the face of its android robot Einstein 3.
See also:
words rhyming with frubber, words from word "frubber", words starting with "f", words starting with "fr", words starting with "fru", words starting with "frub", words starting with "frubb", words ending with "r", words ending with "er", words ending with "ber", words ending with "bber", words containing "r", words containing "ru", words containing "rub", words containing "rubb",