what is the meaning of love ?
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Love is complex. A mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. ... For example, a person might say he or she loves his or her dog, loves freedom, or loves God.
Answered by
1. an intense feeling of deep affection.
use -"babies fill parents with feelings of love"
Synonyms :
- deep affection
- fondness
- tenderness
- warmth
- intimacy
- attachment
- endearment
- devotion
- adoration
- doting
- idolization
- worship
- passion
- ardour
- desire
- lust
- yearning
- infatuation
- adulation
- besottedness
- compassion
- care
- caring
- regard
- solicitude
- concern
- friendliness
- friendship
- kindness
- charity
- goodwill
- sympathy
- kindliness
- altruism
- philanthropy
- unselfishness
- benevolence
- brotherliness
- sisterliness
- fellow feeling
- humanity
- relationship
- love affair
- affair
- romance
- liaison
- affair of the heart
- intrigue
- amour
- hatred
2. a great interest and pleasure in something.
use- "his love for football"
3. feel deep affection for (someone).
use- "he loved his sister dearly"
- be in love with
- be infatuated with
- be smitten with
- be besotted with
- be passionate about
- care very much for
- feel deep affection for
- hold very dear
- adore
- think the world of
- be devoted to
- dote on
- cherish
- worship
- idolize
- treasure
- prize
- be mad/crazy/nuts/wild about
- have a pash on
- carry a torch for
- be potty about
- Antonyms:
- hate
- loathe
- detest
4. like or enjoy very much.
use- "I just love dancing"
- like very much
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