What is the meaning of official??

the syllable of has been promoted to a 'beat' position between two other unstressed syllables; this does not mean, though, that it should be heavily stressed in reading aloud. Where promotion occurs on the last syllable of an iambic line, it sometimes produces a weak ending.
no chocopie ..
but anyway how are you ?
connected with the position of somebody in authority
अधिकारी के पद से संबंधित, पदीय, शासकीय
official duties/responsibilities
official duties/responsibilities
accepted and approved by the government or some other authority
सरकार अथवा किसी अन्य अधिकार-संपन्न संगठन द्वारा स्वीकृत और अनुमोदित; आधिकारिक, अधिकृत
The scheme has not yet received official approval.
The scheme has not yet received official approval.
a person who has a position of authority
अधिकार-संपन्न व्यक्ति, अधिकारी, अफ़सर
The reception was attended by MPs and high-ranking officials.
The reception was attended by MPs and high-ranking officials.
please mark me as a brainlist