Sociology, asked by 78692takrim78692, 21 days ago

what is the meaning of sociological basis of education. in 100-120 words​


Answered by sanjeevrai125


The social base of education is the study of social institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcome. Education is concerned with all forms of education is formal and informal education systems of modern industrial societies.

Answered by gauripatil12924


Education takes place in a (any) society constituted of individuals. It is a social process and has a social function as well as relevance. A school is created by the society and the society is shaped and moulded by the school. Thus, education is both a cause and product of society. It originates in the society and it must fulfil the needs and aspirations of the society. There is thus an intimate relationship between education and society and modern education has two-fold functions- It must help in individual development as well as social progress. An individual can only develop in the right direction in a social environment when substantiated by education as it helps to solve the multifarious social problems.

Sociology has come from two words Societas and Logos meaning “society” and “science” respectively. Hence scientific study of society is commonly known as sociology. Society is more than a mere assemblage of individuals. It involves interaction and interrelation between individuals and groups. In fact, society exists only in the articulate consciousness of human beings. On the other hand, the individual depends upon the society for his existence and self-development. It is society that acts as the selective agent and determines which of the possibilities will be allowed to develop through interaction with social groups and situations the original tendencies are modified, coordinated and shaped into individual is influenced by social direction. Sociology aims at explaining the inter-personal and group relationships. It explains occupational,

religious or social groups, the nation or the state. It studies various social changes that are taking place within group life and analyses such processes of interaction as competition, conflict, co-operation, accommodation and assimilation. It examines social change and social control, analyses the concepts of civilization and culture and deals with such social problems as crime juvenile delinquency, poverty and other social evils with a view to their solution.

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