English, asked by DebayanDA, 7 months ago

What is the meaning of the following Question♤♡◇♧

1. myths 2. legends 3. enthic 4. safari 5. amble 6. waddling 7. dispelling 8. lush 9. sanctuary 10.haven 11.novice 12. nogatiate 13. dharna 14. domain 15. intruders ...

please give right answer...​


Answered by tanu5692


please add me brainleast

Answered by dishita2065


Myths - an idea or story which many people believe but that does not exist or is false

Legends - an old story that may or may not be true

Enthic - connected with or typical of a particular race or religion

Safari - a trip to see or hunt wild animals, especially in East Africa

Amble - to walk at a slow relaxed speed

Waddling - gerund or present participle: waddling

to walk with short steps, moving the weight of your body from one side to the other, like a duck

Dispelling - gerund or present participle: dispelling

to make something, especially a feeling or a belief, disappear

Lush - (used about plants or gardens) growing very thickly and well

Sanctuary - a place where birds or animals are protected from being hunted

Haven - a place where people or animals can be safe and rest

Novice - a person who is new and without experience in a certain job, situation, etc.

Negotiate - to talk to somebody in order to decide or agree about something

Dharna - a mode of compelling payment or compliance, by sitting at the debtor's or offender's door until the demand is complied with.

a peaceful demonstration.

plural noun: dharnas

Domain - an area of knowledge or activity

Intruders - a person who enters a place without permission and often secretly

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