English, asked by mehulvishwakarma253, 2 months ago

What is the meaning of the second element of yoga? what are its five parts?​


Answered by sharmapooja29668


I hope this will help you


They are: Saucha (cleanliness), Samtosha (modesty, contentment), Tapas (heat/cleansing the body… keeping it fit/healthy), Svadhyaya (self-inquiry) and Isvara pranidhana (surrender to God).

Answered by niteshrajputs995

What is Yoga?

Although the true meaning of the word "Yoga" is complex, and has seemingly endless branches and interpretations, the literal translation from the Sanskrit word (one of the world's oldest, most beautiful and enduring languages) means "union" or "to yoke". When we refer to Yoga facilitating the union of mind, body and spirit, we are literally referring to yoking or joining them in a mindful or conscious way. It's the fundamental goal of Yoga, whether it's specifically defined that way or not. Originating from India over 5,000 years ago, it was essentially handed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. It wasn't until around 200 B.C. that the Indian sage Patanjali compiled the teachings into what's known as the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali".

The Yoga Sutras describe the eight-fold (or eight-limbed) path to enlightenment or a purposeful life. All wording in Yoga is in Sanskrit. The eight limbs are:

1st The Yamas - ethical standards or behavior patterns, describing how we should live our lives. They include: Ahimsa (non-violence "do no harm"), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (self-restraint) and Aparigraha (non-covetousness).

2nd The Niyamas - an attitude that we adopt toward ourselves regarding self-discipline. Guidelines for good, clean and healthy living. They are: Saucha (cleanliness), Samtosha (modesty, contentment), Tapas (heat/cleansing the body…keeping it fit/healthy), Svadhyaya (self-inquiry) and Isvara pranidhana (surrender to God).

3rd Asanas - the physical postures we practice in yoga. The body is thought to be a temple of the spirit, and as such, we should take care of it as an essential stage of our growth spiritually. As we develop a habit of disciplined practice of the Asanas (postures), we detoxify and purify, and increase our ability to concentrate and meditate.

4th Pranayama - breath control or "life force extension". Numerous breathing exercises are practiced to move this energy (prana) within us and rejuvenate the body, even possibly extending our lives.

5th Pratyahara - the withdrawal of the senses, directing attention inward…which provides a unique opportunity to look at ourselves realistically. Observing cravings and habits, and thus freeing ourselves from negative traits. Closing the eyes facilitates this inward journey.

6th Dharana - concentration of the mind with a directed mental stream of energy and mental focus, focusing on a single thing or a sound. This precedes Dhyana.

7th Dhyana - Meditation or contemplation. Completely uninterrupted flow of concentration with a quiet or "still" mind.

8th Samadhi - super consciousness or a state of continual bliss or ecstasy. A "peace that pass the all understanding". Enlightenment. Yoga has been popularized in the West due to its mysteriously beneficial effects to those who practice it with dedication.


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