English, asked by AmikMia, 3 months ago

What is the meaning of "thirty third rubber" of the voyage in Around the world in 80 days?​


Answered by bhushankavikumar


The distance between Suez and Aden is thirteen hundred and ten miles, and the regulations of the company allow the steamers, one hundred and thirty-eight hours in which to traverse it. The Mongolia seemed likely, to reach her destination considerably within that time. Verne describes the nature of the passengers on board who were mostly bound for India - either Bombay or Calcutta. What with the military men, a number of rich young Englishmen on their travels, and the hospitable efforts of the purser, the time passed quickly on the Mongolia.

The journey on the Mongolia is described. There are a lot of parties on board, which only cease when there are minor storms on the Red Sea. Phileas Fogg in the meantime was least bothered about the course of the ship and never really went up to the deck to see the various sights of the Red Sea. He passed his time by having four hearty meals every day, regardless of the most persistent rolling and pitching on the part of the steamer; and he played whist indefatigably, for he had found partners as enthusiastic in the game as himself.

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