English, asked by tbtamluk, 1 day ago

What is the meaning of this thought? ​



Answered by PopularStar

Given thought:

Some people create their own stroms then get upsets when it rains

Meaning of this thought is:

Some people who makes stroms with their own then they will be worried..


Deep explaination about this thought:

There are people who do not listen to good advice when it is offered, and then end up facing problems that could have been avoided if the advice given was heeded. There are some people who create a storm of problems because they do not listen, and then when these problems start to rain down on them they become upset and try to place blame everywhere else but refuse to take blame for their own actions or willful ignorance. These individuals are responsible for the storm, and the rain that comes with it. You should not complain about something that occurs as a result of your actions. Often when problems start you can look back and see that these could have been prevented if you had taken the advice that was offered.

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